(/nickname) Change your displayname |
(/hat) Change your hat to a item / block |
(/pp) Player Particles such as Normal, Pulse, Batman, Wings, Invocation |
(/color) Change your color theme for chat, guild, kingdom, town, etc |
(/guild create) Create your own guild |
Select Team |
Map Votes count as 3 |
Select Team |
Map Votes count as 3 |
Can fly |
Launch staff height into the air |
Get elytra |
Your body is glowing |
(/disguise) Disguise yourself as a mob |
Kingdoms |
(/nickname) Change your displayname |
(/hat) Change your hat to item you hold |
(/invsee) See other people inventories |
(/skull) Change player head to someone |
(/rename) Rename item in your hand |
You can create colorful signs with color codes |
Survival |
(/nickname) Change your displayname |
(/hat) Change your hat to item you hold |
(/invsee) See other people inventories |
(/skull) Change player head to someone |
(/disguise) Disguise yourself as a mob |
(/near) See players who are near you |
(/rename) Rename item in your hand |
You can create colorful signs with color codes |
Can fly |
Get elytra |
Enchanted Suit |
Map Votes count as 3 |
MissileWars |
Select Team |
Discord Rank |
Discord Donator channel |
Website Rank |
Experimental PlayerServers (WILL BE DELETED) |
Access your playerserver from (Warning: Your server may be deleted from time to time) |
Gain full access to your server (Warning: Your server may be deleted from time to time) |