
21 posts
Minecraft: Bonsaiz
Discord: Unknown
By Bonsaiz » over 5 years ago
Hello! I was wondering if Vixio could be added to the plugin list.
It is a skript-addon that allows you to code your own discord bot and run it whilst your server is online. Once the server is offline the discord bot will be offline too. It will help in creating discord servers easier,

My Plans: I am wanting to make a server which players must verify using it before they can chat on the discord. If I make this and then spread the discord server around it will increase popularity on CubedCraft slightly. (which could mean more donations). It will be fun to have this addon and connecting it with discordSRV to be able to run commands from discord and have it do certain things on our server. For Example, if I type "-announce Hello." in discord it should announce "Hello." into the chat.

Click the text below ([Skript-Addon Vixio - Spigotmc]) to go to the spigotmc site of which you may look at the plugin further.
[Skript-Addon Vixio - Spigotmc]

<strong>Discord: </strong>Neo#6279<br /> <strong>Rank: </strong> VIP+ (25/4/18) (<strong>ACTIVE</strong>)<br /> <strong>First Join:</strong> 30th December 2015<br /> <strong>Server: </strong>Origin<br /> <strong>Server IP:</strong><br /> <strong>Code: </strong> Skript, C#, Python<br />