
9 posts
Minecraft: AdianCraft
Discord: Unknown
By AdianCraft » over 5 years ago
Hello, if you are reading this, I am thankful that you are reading this.

As for the title, It would be cool to have Team Chat and Public Chat in war zone. I got many reasons why! The very first reason is because sometimes we need to hide messages from the other team. Transferring informations about them. It would be super awkward to message in chat that we know something they don't and they know because of that. You could also have ./PC (Public Chat) It is the normal way of communicating with the other opponent. The second reason is because we do not have to do ./msg (username) (message) over and over. It would get really tiring to. Also, for the command, when a player do ./tc it will automatically turn on, to turn off how ever is to do ./pc or ./tc. And another thing, spectators can't see TC but can see PC. Staff could see TC though. That is all from me, please accept. This is my first IDEA.


160 posts
Minecraft: Masoin
Discord: Unknown
By Masoin » over 5 years ago
I see nothing to disregard about this suggestion! I would love to see this implemented! :)