
2 posts
Minecraft: RamenOni
Discord: Unknown
By RamenOni » over 5 years ago
I'm thinking of cubed craft having a warship themed map for both Tntwars and warzone even tho warzone already has the "abandoned ship" map I think that staff should add a Yamato class battleship for a map or a  U.S. destroyer or something. Furthermore, a new Candyland map would be nice in warzone because many players would enjoy a colorful new map. ( Candyland Map was suggested by pepsae) 

Disclaimer: I can build the ships myself as I have done so in the past. This is not a request or begging for staff.  plz don't hate  

Last edited: over 5 years ago

245 posts
Minecraft: godlyeriss
Discord: Unknown
By godlyeriss » over 4 years ago
I'm just saying, the builders are already stuffed with work as it is. They have much to do, so they do not have as much time to do something like make a new map. People would like it, but there is still a lot of stuff that the builders have to work on.

<span style="font-family:'Courier New',Courier,monospace"><span style="color:#3498db">Discord:</span> <span style="color:#c0392b">DreadLord_Eriss#8623</span></span><br /> <span style="color:#2ecc71">Fully Enjoying Cubed </span><span style="color:#8e44ad">and Time With New Friends</span>