
71 posts
Minecraft: Frozytime
Discord: Unknown
By Frozytime » over 8 years ago
Warzone is a custom-coded game, which you can only find on CubedCraft.

Useful commands: /kit, /team

Here's how the game works: When 2 different players have chosen their team (red or blue) the game will start in 30 seconds.

You can either choose red or blue, but if you can't decide, click the book.

Now the game is a combination of skywars and capture the flag, but you don't take any fall damage. It's a team game, and the team with the best strategy has the highest chance to win. The game has an unlimited maximum player count. There's no limit yet. There are 10 different kits, those kits are coded, that means that some of the kits has abilities, special items etc. 

How to win
You must destroy the opposing team's core to win. the core looks like thisDestroy 10 wool of the core and you'll win the game, but be careful. The opposing team spawns very close to it. The best weapon in this game is the bow, the bow deals a lot of damage, and you can shoot people down from bridges so they fall into the void. 

Kits information
The standard kit that everyone has, it has a bow, and a sword, and some blocks. 

If you wonder what items the kit has:

Tank is a kit that's capable of taking hits. It has strong armor, but a weak sword. 

If you wonder what items the kit has:

Builder is the kit with the most building blocks in 1 life. It's very good at the start with all the blocks it has.

If you wonder what items the kit has:

Fire Archer
A class that has a really powerful flame bow. This kit is really dangerous if it's far from you, and have you in its sight.

If you wonder what items the kit has:

The kit that can take arrows like it was nothing, This kit is really good against ranged kits. Tip: put the shield in your shield bar when you use it.

If you wonder what items the kit has:

If you like explosion, demoman is the kit for you, with its tnt it can blow up something each life. 

If you wonder what items the kit has: 

Redstone Mechanic
This kit can become your worst nightmare, setting spawnpoint on your island

If you wonder what items the kit has: 

This kit heals your allies, so they stay alive. It also has extra golden apples.

If you wonder what items the kit has:

Speed Builder
This kit is the best rusher, with its speed it can rush fast to the middle, which gives your team the opportunity to shoot the opposing team.

If you wonder what items the kit has:

Fire Starter
starts fire like a manic, with its trusty flint and steel. It's the bridges nightmare. But it's the most expensive kit.

If you wonder what items the kit has:

Useful tips!
Bridge high is a nice strategy in this game, it gives you an overview of the map and also the opposing team.

It's also very smart to always have a defender that defends your core, when your team rush the opposing team's spawn.

And here is a screenshot of the whole warzone map.

Thank you so much for reading my guide. hope it helped you decide what kit or strategy to go for. More tips in the future!


lol no


28 posts
Minecraft: Kulere
Discord: Unknown
By Kulere » over 8 years ago
Ur lieing, Warzone can be found at Minehut tho :P