Leather Helmet - Protection 2
Iron Chestplate - Projectile Prot 3
Chain Leggings - Protection 1
Leather boots - Feather Falling V
Diamond Sword - Name: Poseidon's Legendary Staff - Sharpness 1
1 Boat
1 Water Bucket
20 Wood
Poseidon 2:
+1 Gapple
+Wave Ability - Creates a 10 block tall waterfall, Applies Slowness 2, Weakness 1 to enemies, gives teammate Regeneration 2 for 3 seconds and water breathing 8 Block range between the enemy and the user. The waterfall will be removed after 8 seconds.
Poseidon 3:
+Speed 2 for 10 seconds ability
Poseidon 4:
Change sharpness 1 to sharpness 2
Poseidon 5:
+5 Arrows