

Make a better punishment system.

MiniRascal MiniRascal: over 3 years ago

Cubed really need's to change the punishments since they're trash.
Not everyone follows Cubed rules 24/7, that's a 100% fact. We all swear and become toxic when we're annoyed, and I feel like the staff should acknowledge some peoples' anger instead of giving an instant mute. People shouldn't get muted without a warning for a little bit of toxicity or spam, which is why the cubed mods need a /warn or something. And the worst part is that some people get banned. Even the biggest of servers don't ban their players for toxicity or harassment, and they seem to do well, yet in Cubed you can get banned, and funny how the ones getting punished all the time are the most active players on the server. This is probably why cubed isn't getting more popular, because the punishment system is like you're in a private grammar school and the teachers are all Asian parents.

Summary since I know you don't like to read your community's suggestions anyways:
- Add warnings before muting (possibly a /warn command, which Minehut has, which is also a server that has 50k+ people on at a time)
- Stop banning for things that can be resolved with a mute (harassment, toxicity, suicide encouragement)



Tominous Tominous: over 3 years ago

Please do a massive reform of your punishment system, also if you haven't already, I would consider making a Staff Guide, on which punishments will be displayed and also their respected duration on severity.

Iron_Kevin Iron_Kevin: over 3 years ago

Good idea.

IDuckz_ IDuckz_: over 3 years ago

"Can be resolved with a mute" I don't think harassment or toxicity (repeated offense) can be resolved with a mute tbh, anyways we already have a staff docs yet it's outdated, super and gelly haven't got time yet but there will be a rework done soon (hopefully)

Iron_Kevin Iron_Kevin: over 3 years ago

Why cant it be resolved with a mute duck? Its a chat offense. And mutes are for chat offenses.

IDuckz_ IDuckz_: over 3 years ago

Idk man, if a player keeps saying horrible things over and over again, they can't just be getting muted over and over again right? Repeated offense of toxicity or harassment should be a ban in my opinion, since they're not going to learn over a small mute

MiniRascal MiniRascal: over 3 years ago

Well no that's the thing, if they repeatedly say it, mute them for like a month or something.

Iron_Kevin Iron_Kevin: over 2 years ago

Bump. I just wanna get the moderation better.

Current moderation on the CubedCraft network sucks ngl, even a bedbox is sometimes enforcing better moderation.
Lets get some examples. And yes, I know that I'm permanently banned currently, while other people are not getting perm banned for doing exactly the same as me. Moderation is a failure on the CubedCraft network and should get improved a lot. The fact me and other people enforce better moderation on their PlayerServers than Cubed staff on the host of those PS's is just weird. This cubed staffteam does have staff docs but in a lot of cases, they are not following the staff docs + the punishments are too strict or should be more harsh.

(Current punishment: 7 days ban) Suicidal Encouragement > Should be less harsh. Telling a kid to ''kys'' isn't exactly suicidal encouragement as it could be out of frustration. And kys is not that bad, should be a mute/short ban. The fact that racist slurs gets only a 5 hours mute compared to this, is just weird.

(Current punishment: >5 days ban) Griefing > Come on fam. Griefing used to be the player's responsibility. I know we had Localised shizzle on Cubed, but you could still restrict organised griefing. Just a one-time grief shouldn't get punished, just as before. Same goes for crashing servers.

(Current punishment: perm dc ban) Sending token loggers > Yes, some kid got perm dc ban on discord for token logging and sharing malicious files. Should get perma ban ingame too since I got also punished INGAME for something that happened on DISCORD. Sharing malicious files intended to hack in people's account is very severe.

WhenUHackUNoob WhenUHackUNoob: over 2 years ago

Our rules clearly state "includes, but is not limited to". Suicidal encouragement has always and will always be classed as telling someone to take their own life, such as using the term "kys" or any other phrase which goes along with a player taking their own life.

Our moderators always tell the user to calm down or chill out before a mute, unless its a case of racism etc which is considered more serious and will just be an automatic punishment. Personally, I believe this rule is quite fair for everyone at CubedCraft.

We don't like to punish people, and we give as much warnings as possible, however we must punish some players when we feel they are a risk to the community or just a general toxic person. Suicidal encouragement, doxxing, grief, etc is something we have to take seriously as not only a server and a server host but a general community. We can't have player's ruining the fun in our community, hence the action we take to resolve it.

Of course, we will never instantly ban for toxicity (and other things which are similar), we we believe yes of course the user may be angry at some times. A warn and a mute is put into place just so the user can have some time to calm down and they can come back with a better attitude onto the server.

Iron_Kevin Iron_Kevin: over 2 years ago

Sill doesn't give answer on my last point WhenUHackUNoob.

''(Current punishment: perm dc ban) Sending token loggers > Yes, some kid got perm dc ban on discord for token logging and sharing malicious files. Should get perma ban ingame too since I got also punished INGAME for something that happened on DISCORD. Sharing malicious files intended to hack in people's account is a very severe offense.''

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