

I suggest cubed to ban Iron_Kevin from forums

Doggydevil7 Doggydevil7: over 2 years ago

My point is isn't he banned from cubed I think that if he has a network ban he should be banned from forums too.



Iron_Kevin Iron_Kevin: over 2 years ago

1. Please don't involve in my punishment. They'd need to follow staff guidelines and they will certainly not bypass them because someone has made a suggestion.
2. The network ban does mean the Minecraft server, because it's included in the network rules that leaking private information will get an immediate permanent IP-ban from the server. A network ban isn't everything. I've been banned from the Discord server half a year ago too because I've doxxed someone there. Aslong as I do nothing wrong at the forums, I don't think I should get banned from the forums too. For example, if I would've doxxed someone in-game half a year ago, I wouldn't even been banned from the Discord probably but purely in-game, which would still have been described as network ban. Same goes for users of hacked clients, they'd also have a network ban, yet they aren't banned from the Discord and the forums.
3. You're a bit late considering I've been banned for already over 5 months.

MiniRascal MiniRascal: over 2 years ago

let’s be honest we all want him banned but there isn’t an actual reason for him to be banned from the forums yet

iOussamato_ iOussamato_: over 2 years ago

Anyways cubed is dead so no need for him to be banned

iOussamato_ iOussamato_: over 2 years ago

Also nobody gives a damn on the forums since cubed is dead

MiniRascal MiniRascal: over 2 years ago

Kevin will revive cubed with the little girls and boys he grooms

Iron_Kevin Iron_Kevin: over 2 years ago

I'd think it's very low to spread lies about people MiniRascal. It does personally hurt my feelings that you'd think that it's acceptable to spread lies about me doing that stuff, which is absolutely not true. Please refrain from doing so. Supercrafter100, could you close this ticket please because it's causing arguements?

Iron_Kevin Iron_Kevin: over 2 years ago

closing this suggestion I meant*

MiniRascal MiniRascal: over 2 years ago

Suggestion closed

iOussamato_ iOussamato_: over 2 years ago


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