Too long so link to text file:
TL;DR: No I won't try to modify your beloved tntwars, this is just something new entirely - TNTIslands maybe?
Please don't criticize this half way through the file. I've taken a lot of things into consideration, and talking to Jero we have found a few weak spots and such, but overall, it seems like a solid and workable idea to me
non IP grabber version:
also, maybe don't completely lie and trash on the community if you want the community to rep your idea
There's no possible way this guy actually thinks this. Who are these "pros"? Sure it's a competitive community but new people are always welcome in the game
Just don't be a complete jerk to everyone because you suck at the game.
im not going to say tnt wars is the easiest for new players but like everyone starts somewhere
I wanted to be truthful and I'm surely not the only one. Many players leave the server forever shortly after the first join
> A game of tntwars is always a battle between equal amounts of teammates (1v1, 2v2, ...).
do you know the game?
I did not understand the idea very well but the whole currency kinda reminds me of some gen server
I'm describing the rules there how can you trash me for being narcissistic without spending one second thinking about what I propose. Maybe you should just ignore this
Many players leave after first join because cubedcraft is dead or they completely forget about it. Not because their feelings got hurt in tntwars
this part dont make sense to me
An island can be saved in a total of five slots. The slots should come pre-filled with some very basic designs to teach totally new players about the thoughts behind TNT cannons.
I have read the entire thing, I simply do not understand why this needs to be a thinf
People are still gonna develop meta and cheese strats if you give it enough time
it's not like I want this gamemode to be frozen in time like tntwars, I want it to live, and be expanded over time, so none of that
misslewars players: yes
tntwars ogs: yes
general newbies: yes
people that have a general bias against me: no
cool let's make sure to add to the rules "if you don't like this random guy you can't play"
I don't. where do you see a bias in that post?
this whole idea stems from the fact that you all hated the otehr proposal so much so I wanted to put it into a context that allows for these kinds of thoghts and creates a more diverse and interesting gameplay system
the first 2 paragraphs come off as whining that pros are very skilled and it's too difficult for new players and they should give up learning
it's besides the point. That just explains my backgrund and reasoning. look at the idea without any bias
I tried to make a proposal taht would be genuinely fun and interesting for anyone, while still keeping the core mechanics of tntwars
and I want to highlight that I don't plan to take away your fun tntwars. This is entirely different. They can coexist at any point
tbf spawn killing a player 9 times is just kinda cruel to me not to mention takes a while and you cant die on purpose in normal tnt wars to end match quicker if the player surrenders.
another thing is it's entirely different from tnt wars and would take a long time to implement
could you do me a favor and delete that gist. If I edit some parts they just go unnoticed because you called it an IP grabber and provided your own version
it's litearlly just a file server. There is nothing to it. I could see your IP just as easily as discord if I take the time to look at the logs, but why would I care?
I don't wanna maintain two things at once come on
> another thing is it's entirely different from tnt wars and would take a long time to implement
yes, but it has a lot of potential to bring a ton of players to cubedcraft
And also see it this way: You could play a lot more games of TNTwars if there were more players actually playing it
Which is why I want my suggestion more control for if theirs only 1 player and if another sees someone on they are more likely to join
the point of the island system is that you can build and test easily. Why not be able to invite players there too?
and I would genuinely like to know the reasoning behind why it got downvoted by both of you now
as I said my goal is to include everyone, so why did you downvote it? I'm not taking away your tntwars, I'm not making the game less interesting for you, or do you just want an easy with without much thought?
Because this is a terrible idea and nobody wants it, therefore it's downvoted
which reasons above? Why can you talk for the community? What did I do to you to make you hate this gamemode? You can just continue playing tntwars like it always was, no? It doesn't affect you at all
If you want it so bad, then make it. That's the beauty of playerservers. The community does not want this game added. It has been made clear. You also have contradicting opinions, saying you want everyone to play this, and then singling out others. Also outlined is the general gameplay holes and how this is almost exactly like genpvp with TNT cannons
1. I have never played genpvp
2. Which holes?
3. I have no experience with serverside stuff, and I'm definitely not learning the skript trash. Also playservers are too primitive for this
If you are not willing to make it your idea is not welcome here. If you honestly cannot see why this game will not be officially added I would ask you to please take a look at your proposal again. You have also made it extremely clear you are not welcome to outside opinion and any changes you absolutely flame them. I'm done discussing this with you, it's obviously getting nowhere
talk about narcissism
I'm trying to find logical reasoning in your words and tehre is just none. Making stuff up on the fly to find reasons to downvote everything I thing about or say
If you want to be respected I would start with not being an absolute nuisance to everyone here. You are being extremely toxic to anyone who might say this isn't a good idea.
You never asked why. You completely shut down everyone trying to change it modify your proposal at all, then in a new suggestion create this mantra that people who play tntwars are evil
fyi: the IP grab thing was a joke. I recall adding a /s somewhere but oh well
I was trying to make it easier to read, GitHub parses markdown files better than the raw text you sent
> people who play tntwars are evil
> fyi: the IP grab thing was a joke. I recall adding a /s somewhere but oh well
> shut down everyone trying to change or modify your proposal at all,
when? All you said was "it's shit and nobody wants it" how am I supposed to react to that
I asked why you downvoted it
you changed the topic and said I should do it myself if I really wanted to, and then you called me toxic
I posted the suggestion here to see if anyone actually saw a future in that and if anyone would like to play that and instead I got downvoted by bias
Thanks for the recap, but I did not change the topic. I simply brought up the fact this will not get officially added and if you want it you should make it yourself like hundreds of us have done
as I said the pserver system does not have the flexibility to "just do that" and Jero didn't seem to dislike the idea as a whole very much.
Then I would look elsewhere, perhaps minehut or hosting yourself. You've never actually tried the PlayerServers system so
as I already said, you need it for island building and testing as to not diminish the performance for other players.
and tell me why you don't like this propossal
All cubedcraft minigames run on one server fyi, using the same playerservers system. They just have access to custom plugins.
distinguish hardware server from software server please... AND TELL ME WHY YOU THINK THIS IS A BAD IDEA AND NOBVODY LIKES IT
I have already told you this information and I do not want to tell you yet again, I've told you almost 4 times now
holy shit how about you don't change topics all the time
also I have considerably more knowledge about server architecture than you have, so please
hahaha narcissism at its finest. How about you learn to admit to mistakes. That will help you at a job too
it's funny how you always switch topics when I got you backed into a corner
1. I don't have the outreach
2. I don't have the server
3. I don't have the spigot experience
also where do you see the issues? What does it not fix?
well no real issues stand out to me but i just dont see why people would play this and the staff would make it
cubedcraft servers are literally free, just use skript. i dont see why the staff would spend their time making something that people wouldn't even bother playing
making such a large change to their existing codebase would be a real waste of time and a huge gamble because cubed staff are volunteers and they have their own lives and jobs
- Staff would make it because it would probably draw a lot of players to cubed if the system was actually fleshed out, because it would be something special, never seen before, and there's to this day quite a few people out there wanting to play tntwars
- people would play it because it makes tntwars actually interesting. The game is too primitive currently, which is why it loses its appeal very quickly
- as I said previously, playservers/minehut are not the solution, as the systems are not advanced enough. What you need is proper hosting infrastructure which can run many smaller minecraft servers at the same time, which would be required for the islands system
i donr think you realise how big of a change this would be, and it wouldnt bring any new players because new players dont usually play cubedcraft tntwars and instead go to better servers with already existing competitive aspects
players usually don't play cubedcraft tntwars because the game loses its appeal incredibly quickly. The game is neither particularly complicated, nor particularly interesting. even if you got past the initial start hurdle you'd still end up realizing that almost nobody plays tntwars because there are only very few active players.
A new gamemode would definitely draw in new players. Most servers run gamemodes that have already been copied to hell and back, and this would be something very unique. Just as unique as hypixel skyblock or wynncraft. They definitely have a not small playerbase. Simple gamemodes like this even gain a lot of popularity on minehut, which doesn't happen often, because minehut is the definition of copy-paste
Why would they turn to what is not unique when offered the choice? If you make it easy for players to grasp the system behind tntwars you can get a lot of players hooked. The technicalities on some cannons are very interesting
because cubedcraft is a small server now and it's an insane gamble for staff to spend their time on
not to mention the fact that partydragen has a lot of outreach via his various services and would have an easy time advertising the new feature
im not saying your idea is bad by any means, but it is a very large task, i think its actually a pretyy solid idea. but im gonna leave it to you fot now
also if cubedcraft does do this then it could probably provide some cool quest ideas for my website
iirc there's like 300 combinations of quests because it goes based off your elo
Hey UltraBlack_ Do you think the pros started as pros. Also every single one of us OG players has put the time and effort to learn to play the game instead of complaining like you so maybe just play the game and learn like we did. Also if you want proof just checkout how many deaths each of the pros have.