Hello, its me WaterFireCraft yet again. You've probably seen me lurking around in CubedCraft, joining random playerservers, and stuff like that. But I've noticed that the CubedCraft playerserver quality has dropped ever since GenPVP was introduced. But instead of yelling at other players for their work, instead, I'm going to show you how to make a GOOD playerserver.
DISCLAIMER: The purpose of this forum is to teach others how to make a good server in my opinion. If you think GenPVP is fun or skyblock is the best thing ever, make it. You be you.
Now with that out of the way, lets get started.
Step 1: Create your server
This is the easiest part of the thread. Well, all you have to do is do /create. Easy. You may already have a playerserver, but if you really want to keep that one, get a friend to give you theirs or use an ALT's playerserver.
Step 2: Come up with a clever name.
This may seem obvious, but a name is important to your server, and a better name will attract more players.
Most server names I've seen end with "PvP" or "Games" which personally, doesn't fit as a good name. I think that a short name like "Aspire" or "Saga" kinda works. Think of a name that rolls of the tounge and is easy to remember and fun to say. Even if it does end with "Games" or "PvP" and its catchy, it'll still be good.
Step 3: Come up with a cool concept.
This is the most important part of the batch. The main reason why people join servers is to have FUN! So keep that in mind while thinking of a cool concept
Here's a few server styles that you can try and aim for.
- Servers where you must dominate other players and climb up the leaderboard
- Servers where you must work with a team and eliminate other teams
- Servers where you must find loot and reach the end and complete quests
- Servers where you are all on a team and must defeat waves of monsters.
Originality is the most important part of a player server, try and think of something that CubedCraft has never seen before. Or, if you want to go outside the box, develop a completely new game style that's new to Minecraft!
If you can't think of anything good, here are some suggestions
- Turf Wars
- One In The Chamber
- PvE
- Zomberman
- Arcade
REMEMBER: CubedCraft doesn't get that many players, and the player capacity for a free server is 15. So don't design minigames that requires a lot of players!
Step 4: Build maps
Maps are the place you play games in, spawn in, hang out in, and basically are the core of any server. If you aren't a good builder, join the CubedCraft discord and look for one! Make sure to reward them in a way that satisfies them.
Some examples for payment are:
- Ingame Currency
- Free Donator Ranks
- Exclusive Items / Perks
Remember not to rush people who work for you, or you'll be alone.
Step 5: Develop your game.
This is probably the hardest part of making your server. Using Skript or Command blocks, create the game / games you were thinking about making! If you can't use command blocks or skript, hire someone else to do it!
NOTICE: If you are hiring someone to develop a minigame for you, they are going to need massive permissions to your server. Command blocks require OP to use, and Skript requires access to the server console! So NEVER give this job to someone you don't trust!
Once you're finished, consult a staff member or a random player to beta-test the game and fix any bugs that may appear. If all is well, open your server!
If multiple minigames are going to be in your server, repeat steps 3 - 5 to make another minigame unil you are satisfied with the minigames on your player server.
And you're done! But you may not be done yet. Make sure to follow these tips to make your server not only IS good, but STAYS good.
- Give your players a reason to play your server. If your server has no purpose, and winning doesn't do anything, players won't keep returning to your server. Some examples to fix this would be to add Acheviments, Quests, Leaderboards, or currency to buy new things. But keep in mind, making gear that has an advantage against others won't make your server fun!
- Reward players for sticking around. If a player joins your server, they're commiting their time to enjoy all the work you've done. But may feel like a waste of time if they don't feel rewarded. So you need to set up reward systems. Give people virtual currency for winning or even playing minigames, put secrets in your lobby for people to find, or make acheviments for sticking around for certian periods of time.
- Don't make a player feel left out. If your minigame is original, people will probably have no idea on how to play it. So you need to include tutorials and guides on how to play games you make. Also, make sure that people who stick around longer don't have an unfair advantage against other players, or newbies won't bother sticking around.
- Make your fanbase have FUN! Fun is diffrent for everyone. So try and make multiple styles of gameplay on your server. Maybe make a factions game on one side and make PVP on the other! Also, people may be new to minecraft, so if a new player joins your server and decides to play against you at one of your minigames, go easy on them! As the maker, you know exactly what to do to win, and if the player gets aboslutley destroyed at a minigame, they might feel cheated and leave. Also, don't be toxic, at the end of each game say GG instead of L or ez
- Release updates or new games! Servers get boring after a while, especially minigame ones. People don't want to do the same thing over and over again. They want variety! So release new games, new perks, or new cosmetics every once and a while to keep your server fresh!
- Ban Hackers. This one is obvious. Hackers are annoying. Ban one if you see one, but remember, you need CLEAR EVIDENCE of the person hacking, and they will most likely deny the fact that their hacking, because they think that it will reduce their chance of getting banned. If you want to take it a step farther, record the person hacking and submit it to the CubedCraft report section so other people won't have to deal with this person!
- Hire Staff. Staff are important, they keep the members happy, they ban hackers, and they suggest ideas on how to make the server better. Staff members are usually trusted by players so make sure you pick out staff that don't abuse or lie. To pick a good staff member, host an application website, or give them an ingame one. Also, if you want to get good staff, set a playtime limit. A playtime limit is a restrictive thing that prevents players who haven't played for longer than the set amount from doing an action. Why do you need this? To prevent staff-hunters of course! Yes, there are people who won't stop jumping onto servers and begging for staff. These people mostly want to abuse, some my want to help, but to be on the safe side, don't trust anyone on your server who hasn't been on for longer than 30 minutes. This shows that they really care about your server and may be helpful
Well, that's about all I have to say about making a good player server. If you have any more tips for good player servers, leave them down below! I'd love to hear what the community has to offer! Anyways, I'm WaterFireCraft and this is my article on how to make a good player server! I hope this article will help you.
Last edited: over 6 years ago