
245 posts
Minecraft: godlyeriss
Discord: Unknown
By godlyeriss » over 4 years ago
Today I was playing Kingdoms and Warzone and I realized... Hey, what if they had real money rewards or just diamond block rewards for the top kingdom for that month, or top killer of the month, or even who placed the most worth that week. This would add a competitive aspect to the games and make it attract more players to CubedCraft. For example, I've noticed that factions servers with rewards for the top faction have a lot more players than normal factions servers, and the same with pvp servers.

<span style="font-family:'Courier New',Courier,monospace"><span style="color:#3498db">Discord:</span> <span style="color:#c0392b">DreadLord_Eriss#8623</span></span><br /> <span style="color:#2ecc71">Fully Enjoying Cubed </span><span style="color:#8e44ad">and Time With New Friends</span>