

/request Command

Tominous Tominous: over 4 years ago

Well what /request should do is to request for staff assistances without doing /report. Let's say you want an important question answered? bascially you do "/request Question"

Then the staff the respond using let's say "/respond".

I am sure a lot people would appreciate this being added to the network!

- Tominous



Tominous Tominous: over 4 years ago

I want this to even work for vanished staff. Because this happened to me once.

PondWader PondWader: over 4 years ago

If you need staff support use the #support channel in the discord server. If you need support with your player server use the #playerservers (or #skript if skript related) channel. I just feel like this command would be used too much for things such as "How do I skript " or "Help me setup my server".

If the problem is an actual problem for staff, this wouldn't be an ideal method for communicating. Say you have found a bug in the website, this wouldn't be an ideal way to communicate as talking over a "/respond" command wouldn't help. Also a lot of these things would need to be for high up staff (e.g. partydragen).

Tominous Tominous: over 4 years ago

This is for the players who do not have Discord or the forums, but if you need to do it in a hurry, this is the solution.

Tominous Tominous: over 4 years ago

^ Adding on to that, It's also good for the players who are under the age of 13 (Discord's TOS)

Supercrafter100 Supercrafter100: over 4 years ago

I feel like it would get abused though

Tominous Tominous: over 4 years ago

Well, there should be a cooldown. Maybe 1 minute. It's up to the Developers.

IDuckz_ IDuckz_: over 4 years ago

There could be a slight cooldown and a rule to not abuse it I guess :shrug:

Tominous Tominous: over 4 years ago

^^^ Mhm, I agree. (I said it before but you know xD)

Tominous Tominous: over 4 years ago

This type of command is seen on big servers like Velt, Mineplex. and I don't know about Hypixel but I'm sure they have it to.

Jeroeno_Boy Jeroeno_Boy: over 4 years ago

its not a bad suggestion, it just doesn't beat discord. staff can't answer all questions. in the discord everyone can help, not only staff, also i think this would be abused like super said and just annoy staff members.

IDuckz_ IDuckz_: over 4 years ago

Mhm, /msg exists and /report if you wish to report a player and there is discord as well. I don't really know the actual purpose of /request. Sounds a good idea but yes again, it can cause annoyance and can be abused.

Jeroeno_Boy Jeroeno_Boy: over 4 years ago

i'd suggest rejecting this suggestion despite the 8 likes in discord.

IDuckz_ IDuckz_: over 4 years ago

We'll see.

Tominous Tominous: over 4 years ago

Here is a reference imagine.

Jeroeno_Boy Jeroeno_Boy: over 4 years ago

yeah that just looks like abuse to me

Tominous Tominous: over 4 years ago

True point, but It will be helpful for some people. Like if their discord accounts have been locked or something like that. This is an easy for contact staff members but at a cooldown (10 Minutes)

Jeroeno_Boy Jeroeno_Boy: over 4 years ago

You can just go to hub or /msg someone directly tbf, i really don't see the point in this anymore.

Tominous Tominous: over 4 years ago

Well, it depends if some staff are vanished?

Jeroeno_Boy Jeroeno_Boy: over 4 years ago

and the forum's also exist, so even if his discord is locked you can still ask in the forums (although i only think staff members are really active there)

Tominous Tominous: over 4 years ago

Well some people don't have a forums account.

Jeroeno_Boy Jeroeno_Boy: over 4 years ago

then they make one.

Tominous Tominous: over 4 years ago

Good point but it depends on the person. They might not want to make an account. (That's just me thinking)

CuzImHerper CuzImHerper: over 4 years ago

Adding to what PondWader said, they also have tickets where you can communicate alone with staff, If you don't have discord you can /msg them ingame if you see them online.

Tominous Tominous: over 4 years ago

It depends if they're in vanish or not. but I get your point Herper.

CuzImHerper CuzImHerper: over 4 years ago

If they are in vanish means they are busy and not available at that time so they should try another Moderator.

Tominous Tominous: over 4 years ago

Excellent point. Let's just see where this goes.

Jeroeno_Boy Jeroeno_Boy: over 4 years ago

> if they might not want to make an account
Then that’s their problem if they don’t want to.

For the rest I feel like everything has been said, there are already many ways for people to ask for help, I think this one isn’t a good option for everyone.

Unless this command gets heavily advertised i doubt many people will use it.
It might be handy for small things but, but usually the community also knows the answer and has a very good chance of replying way quicker than the staff members.

If it gets added, it could be handy to give some veteran or big brain people access to receive request too.

Tominous Tominous: over 4 years ago

Good point and Ex-Staff too.

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