

CubedCraft Network Halloween Event Game Idea

CombatMC CombatMC: over 5 years ago

This is a game idea for the Halloween event.

This game is inspired by the well-known game Plant vs Zombies and some detail from a Roblox game called Fantastic Frontier.
but instead of place plants to win... you are the zombies.. the raiders!

Every player will be zombies, each different class will have different weapons.

Zombie Classes: (players)
> Melee Zombie - Sword (maximum attack range: 1) (damage: 2.5 hearts per attack)
> Ranged Zombie - Bow (minimum attack range: 3, maximum attack range: 5) (damage: 2 hearts per attack)
> Magic Zombie - Spell[Custom Coded] (maximum attack range: 4) (damage: 1.5 hearts per attack)
> (more... gona think of more if they actually do this.)

Plants: (defend towers [NPC])
> Sun Flower - Heal plants with radius 2 meters around it. (Heal: 1 hearts every 2 seconds) (Health: 10 hearts)
> Pumpkin - Attack the closest zombie (zombie must in range of 3 meters). (Damage: 0.5 hearts per second) (Health: 6 hearts)
> Poppy - Effect slowness to zombies in radius 3 around it. (Health: 3 hearts)
> Oxeye Daisy - Fire a seed at random zombie to explode, every zombie in radius 2 around
the seed when it explode will get damage. (Damage: 4.5 hearts per attack) (Health: 15 hearts)
> (more... gona think of more if they actually do this.)

Game: (how the game works/how to win)
> This is like a dungeon, players start from floor 1 and if they win...
they get to the next floor. The health and damage of plants depend on floor and amount of players.
> Plant health/damage: [PLAYER_AMOUNT * ceil(BASE_STAT * (FLOOR_AMOUNT * 0.15) + BASE_STAT)]
> The way zombies could win is by killing all the plants and steal the brain inside the house at the end of the arena.
This would bring them to the next floor.
> Each floor reward: (points) [5 + floor(FLOOR_AMOUNT * 0.2)]
> The way plants could win is by eliminating all the zombies in the game. Each zombie starts with 3 lifes,
if they get killed by plant attack, they lost one life... and get eliminate when out of lifes.
> To prevent a player from earning too many points, the maximum floor player can get to is 50.



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