

Allow ability to select builds of versions (e.g 1.20.1)

Mikie__ Mikie__: about 1 year ago

Everyone is not liking this update of CubedCraft. Every PlayerServer was migrated to 1.20.2, and some plugins are unstable and not updated such as SkBee (nbt is disabled 1.20.2), Fawe is not working at all (maybe in the future).

A few steps to make CubedCraft better again:

1. Allow server owners to set specific versions. Like 1.12.2, 1.14.4, 1.17, 1.8 etc.

2. Do not migrate the versions immediately without warning the server owner or asking them.

If this update doesn't occur i am sure cubed will go downhill



Mikie__ Mikie__: about 1 year ago

Not every PlayerServer, I mean't to say all PlayerServers that are 1.20

Jeroeno_Boy Jeroeno_Boy: about 1 year ago

Hi, you should be able to select your servers version on the ps dashboard.

Furthermore, usually Party updates the server's version along with a lot of plugins. This time though, someone else updated the version of the server, and didn't know a lot can break when there is a minor version update. I think by now a lot of plugins should be updated to the latest version. If not you can post a list of the plugins you want updated, and one of the members will take care of it

Mikie__ Mikie__: about 1 year ago

Most of the plugins must be updated, but I still will provide a list:
- SkBee (NBT Elements are disabled)
- FAWE (Core isn't working well)
- FreedomChat (Appears as red and chat reports are enabled)

Jeroeno_Boy Jeroeno_Boy: about 1 year ago

With FAWE core not working well, you mean it's causing errors when running any command?

Mikie__ Mikie__: about 1 year ago

No, FAWE commands like //wand I don't get a wand and it says it's an unsupported version. Same for pasting, copying, loading/saving schematics and set and probably much more.

Supercrafter100 Supercrafter100: about 1 year ago

Freedomchat should have been updated already, fawe I have updated as well already normally. I'll try again though maybe it revertd for some reason

Mikie__ Mikie__: about 1 year ago

To be honest, I can select versions but not specific versions like 1.20.1 instead of 1.20.2

Supercrafter100 Supercrafter100: about 1 year ago

I was told minor updates don't require any specific changes in term of plugin updates hence why I updated it by default. Turns out a lot of plugins seem to rely on nms or just shut themselves down if they detect a version higher than their allowed one (even if they can support it fine)

Supercrafter100 Supercrafter100: about 1 year ago

I have updated the plugins you mentioned though

Mikie__ Mikie__: about 1 year ago

Party updated Skbee for 1.20.1 but nbt is now disabled

Mikie__ Mikie__: about 1 year ago

Are you sure it's updated supercrafter100?

Supercrafter100 Supercrafter100: about 1 year ago

I just did

Mikie__ Mikie__: about 1 year ago

Thank you!

zNotChill zNotChill: about 1 year ago

skbee nbt elements takes weeks to be supported

Abdelm2mn Abdelm2mn: about 1 year ago

Would be better if there's a way to automate plugin updating, perhaps daily? To prevent manual update and other things and could be another step to eliminate the wait when creating a new server version and redoing the same job all along..

Supercrafter100 Supercrafter100: about 1 year ago

There isn’t a way to auto update unfortunately

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