Instead of 2 players being on 2 different teams they can be put on one team with the purpose of testing cannons on the other side without risk of destroying someone's test, you can just copy and paste the normal tnt wars node to than make changes to new one. Additional commands: /resetmap (resets the other side) /reset (sends players back to lobby to change map) no time limit, both reset commands get voted on when used.
I think this has been suggested many times and has many times fallen into the gap between bed frame and wall, where you can never quite get your fingers in between
this might work against you saying it's been suggested many times means people actually want it sooo if you want it to not be implemented thats not quite what I would say.
@Supercrafter100 didn't u experiment with something like this a little while back?
I think this addition would increase the amount of players for tnt wars and how long they stay active as. You can test more efficient ways for destroying maps. Also waiting for players to arrive for normal tnt wars makes them leave and they rarely stay waiting around for a hour til someone joins. Noobs will also have a place where they feel they can test in peace and not beg pros mid match to teach them smth.
just for tntwars, I'd disagree, but if we were to extend the game in a way that I'm proposing (jero still sending the suggestion it seems) then I'd agree with you
I still find one of the biggest issues being their must always be 2 total players to play
I think that your idea is good, but it could be improved. Instead, there could be a separate area meant for testing cannons. There, they can practice certain cannons until they feel that they are ready to play. Then, in the next round, they can join the game.