Admin God

29 posts
Minecraft: Supercrafter100
Discord: Supercrafter100#0000
Minecraft-Community: supercrafter100
By Supercrafter100 » 3 months ago

Hey everyone


After over ten years of running CubedCraft there has been a noticeable decline in activity from both the community and the staff team. Our PlayerServers' cost is quite high and we have realised it is no longer maintainable at this rate. We have come to the conclusion that PlayerServers is no longer sustainable for the server going forwards.


PlayerServers is unfortunately shutting down. More information will be provided for how to download your server to prevent any loss. CubedCraft itself will still be running, which means our official gamemodes will remain playeable. 


We hope you understand this decision. We know that a lot of people have put countless hours in their server, but realistically it is not sustainable for us. We appreciate the amazing years of players being creative, dedicated and utilising our service for creating awesome projects! Cherish the memories of PlayerServers, it has been a great journey for us to provide you with the opportunity.


Regarding CubedCraft's future, we honestly are not sure. Minecraft as a game in general has been declining in recent years and we feel like and a lot of the CubedCraft team is starting to grow up, prioritising other activities rather than CubedCraft. We have ambitious ideas, but it requires a lot of time, motivation and resources to commit to these ideas, which is currently lacking. For a long time we barely pushed out any updates for PlayerServers especially. We have kept it running the way it has been for several years without many changes. In hindsight we should have been more transparent and we apologise for that. 


We are going to keep the main official gamemodes running, which means we should be able to focus more them going forward.  With maintaining the entire PlayerServers system out of the picture, more updates will follow soon. Thank you for creating exciting servers with us!



The CubedCraft Team has decided that the PlayerServers system will be shutting down in 7 days. We will be doing some work behind the scenes after and provide a download method for your server as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding!

<p><strong><span style="color: #e74c3c;"><span style="font-size: 26px;">CubedCraft Administrator</span></span></strong><br /><span style="color: #95a5a6;">At your service. Contact me on discord if you have any questions about the server or open a ticket at the <a title="Contact Us" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">contact us form</a>.</span></p> <p><br /><span style="color: #95a5a6;">Discord: Supercrafter100#6600</span></p>

1 posts
Minecraft: Mr_RedstoneMaker
By Mr_RedstoneMaker » 3 months ago

what is the name of the plugins operation you guys use, me and a couple friends are gonna try to recreate cubedcraft as close as possible


2 posts
Minecraft: XHexiX
Discord: Unknown
Minecraft-Community: Solar
By XHexiX » 3 months ago

Can you make the playerservers API and stuff open source



2 posts
Minecraft: XHexiX
Discord: Unknown
Minecraft-Community: Solar
By XHexiX » 3 months ago

They never told us how to download our servers


God Member

111 posts
Minecraft: Commodore640
Discord: Unknown
By Commodore640 » 3 months ago

what is the name of the plugins operation you guys use, me and a couple friends are gonna try to recreate cubedcraft as close as possible

How is your progress?