

Network Clan/Guild system

MyNameIs12345 MyNameIs12345: over 5 years ago

Add clans to network. It just adds more fun.
If they do add clans, please make it so that clans can 1v1 with each other. E.G. if a clan has 10 members and the other clan has 5 members. Then 10v5 because the clan with more members is more responsible. And if a clan wins. Give all members some coins and xp on the gamemode they were 1v1ing at.
Though there should be some requirements for creating a clan. Like a person should have at least 30K Score. And maximum amount of people creating 1 clan should be 3. Like having 3 owners for 1 clan and at least 1 owner.
Add Clan Tags for Clans too! For example. My clan name is Shirai-Ryu. So perhaps add a prefix behind a player called [Shirai-Ryu] in the colour the owner picks. In which case my clan's colour is Golden.



SwagInc SwagInc: over 5 years ago

Ever Heard of Hypixel Guild vs Guild, their teams are Fair. A clan with more member doesn't count as powerful.
Teams Should be fair, and team limit should be 4-6 or whatever they decide.

P. S:
If you read this MyNameIs12345, Don't Trash Talk with me In Dm's.Teams Should be fair.
else good suggestion.

pepsaeV2 (RaptideDyne)

MyNameIs12345 MyNameIs12345: over 5 years ago

When creating a Clan. The command should be. /clan create NAME . The names should allow the special characters and the Norwegian/Swedish and English Language. Maybe Chinese (because I am Chinese). By the Special Characters. I mean - _ . / \ and more but you get the idea. I currently do have a clan. It's name includes the special character - so please do allow the special character - to be in the name. The maximum characters should be 20. And 35 as the Max Members.

The rewards should be based on the game the clans were battling each other at. On Tntwars and Warzone should be some Experience and Coins. On XRun should be some Experience. On Kingdoms should be some coins, gold or diamonds, resources for levelling up Kingdoms and Money.
Every year. There should be a Clan Tournament on every Minigame. Though Clans should be able to 1v1 each other whenever they like. If you have any suggestions or feedback. Contact me on my discord

Partydragen Partydragen: over 4 years ago

Status changed to In Progress

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In progress