
80 posts
Minecraft: MyNameIs12345
Discord: Unknown
By MyNameIs12345 » over 5 years ago
Shogun not active for 1 month. 7 maps that have hacked times. and my map still not uploaded yet and has been accepted for 2 months. Also PartyNub and SamerNub always afk
Partynub is always afk
Samernub never seen him online
americanshogun is idk

PLz get americnashogun_ bak online

hi my iq is lower than an average room tempature, the average room tempature is 20-25 C. so the average is (20+25)/2 = 22.5 .<br /> So my iq could be (in whole numbers) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7  8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22.<br /> goodbye.

53 posts
Minecraft: gabitza1234
Discord: Unknown
By gabitza1234 » over 5 years ago
Okay, so let me make this clear.
You're trying to get Americanshogun_ back online, and i'm going to point flaws in this post because they were way too easy to notice and it's kinda fun.

"7 maps that have hacked times." I know you're talking about XRun, but you need to be more clear about that.
"PartyNub and SamerNub always afk" Excuse me, i thought this is about Americanshogun_, not partydragen and samerton. this part doesn't belong.
"Partynub is always afk" You already said that just earlier. You're right, but still.
"Samernub never seen him online" wow nice grammar. Also, is Samerton afk or not online at all?
"americanshogun is idk" what, the title said he's inactive.

"PLz get americnashogun_ bak online"

yeah you obviously made this thread in a rush.

And you really need to specify why you need americNAshogun_ back online. But since I know you, i'll tell everyone why.
You need Americanshogun_ back online to get rid of the XRun hackers. Pretty simple.
But you made it pretty complicated, and this thread could have been much better. I can even make one right now!

Title: Please get Americanshogun_ back online

Hello! I need Americanshogun_ back online to get rid of XRun hackers that got hacked times and ruined the world records at XRun (which is pretty important, it's literally a whole minigame being hacked)
So please get him back online somehow.

Sorry for making such a long post to your thread, but it had a lot of flaws making it pretty much impossible to get the point.

im somewhat good at skript and server development


317 posts
Minecraft: CombatMC
Discord: Unknown
By CombatMC » over 5 years ago
What should I say is...

Every staff got their own life, they can't just keep stay online like a bot.

By the way, if party keep stay online ingame how he got time to update the server?  He might be coding or doing watever when he is afk.

Discord: Untrustable#8110


25 posts
Minecraft: Samerton
Discord: Unknown
By Samerton » over 5 years ago
A couple of things worth mentioning.

We're working hard behind the scenes to bring the biggest updates the network's ever had. This does mean we may appear more inactive, but behind the scenes it's certainly not the case.

AmericanShogun_ has also recently returned to college, so he has a lot of work of his own at the moment that he has to keep on top of.

As for the XRun times, I manage all of those and yesterday I went through them all and reset any invalid times and banned the players. It's a very time consuming thing to do, so I can only do this when I have enough chance to do so.

Hope that clears things up a bit slight_smile

x 1

80 posts
Minecraft: MyNameIs12345
Discord: Unknown
By MyNameIs12345 » over 5 years ago
thanks samerton. good to know that he had college, sorry tht i didnt know.

hi my iq is lower than an average room tempature, the average room tempature is 20-25 C. so the average is (20+25)/2 = 22.5 .<br /> So my iq could be (in whole numbers) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7  8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22.<br /> goodbye.

534 posts
Minecraft: Partydragen
Partydragen: Partydragen
Discord: partydragen
Minecraft-Community: Partydragen
By Partydragen » over 5 years ago
As samerton told we're always working on things 

and i stay online to catch important stuff in chat while working on stuff, its better to +1 online into the total number of online players it look better to have bigger online number :P

Owner of CubedCraft Network
Server Ip:
My Website:

160 posts
Minecraft: Masoin
Discord: Unknown
By Masoin » over 5 years ago
I KNEW IT PARTY! Me and a friend were in a call and I said party stays there so there is atleast 1 player on, turns out I was correct lol.

But to not make this off topic, adding onto party, sam and party may be afk all the time but there is a lot going on behind the scenes. You've probably seen the recent updates and the owners are striving to keep making these updates to hype up cubed a little bit. About Shogun, I haven't seen him on, but as he is a grown man, he shouldn't necessarily always be on a minecraft server, you get where I'm going? Alright, I'm out, kthxbye.

Jeg kjente det PARTY! Jeg og en venn var i et anrop, og jeg sa at fest forblir der så det er minst 1 spiller på, viser seg at jeg var riktig lol. Men for å ikke gjøre dette av emnet, legge til på fest, sam og fest kan være avk hele tiden, men det skjer mye bak kulissene. Du har sikkert sett de siste oppdateringene, og eierne streber etter å fortsette å gjøre disse oppdateringene til å hype opp cubed litt. Om Shogun, har jeg ikke sett ham på, men da han er en voksen, burde han ikke nødvendigvis alltid være på minecraft-server, får du hvor jeg skal? Okay, jeg er ute, kthxbye.

~ Mason